Well this week I have been very good and very bad. The good part was I got two QS quilts posted off to Victoria.
The first was a quilt I made about 10 years ago but hadn't got around to finishing. My friend Sharon (no blog) quilted it for me last weekend and I finished the binding this week.
The second is a floral I made last week. I'm rather fond of floral quilts and they are so quick to make and always look lovely.
And a close up of the quilting. It's a panto called Camellias by Timeless Quilting Designs.

So this is great for my Stashbusting......until..........................................
A friend and I went touring today and somehow 60 mt / yards found their way back to my house! Now I know it sounds a lot but it really, really isn't. I can justify every last inch of it.....all but 3 mt / yards is for backing for more bushfire quilts. It takes 7.5 mt / yards of backing for a queen size quilt. So even when I'm being a bad girl I'm being very good!
And the 3 mt /yards? Well it was a lovely stripey oriental which will make up very quickly in a strip style quilt for my step son.