Well, my usual opening line - it's been a while!!
Looked back on my blog and discovered my last post was August 2023. Prior to that August 2020, 1 in 2019 and none in 2018.
Life just gets in the way sometimes. Covid hit with it's lockdown and totally changed life world wide. And life still recovering from that. Closed my shop (which I miss every dsy) Working full time admin leaves little time for play (often brain dead and too hard to do anything).
I haven't quilted seriously for so many, many years. I did make one quilt and that took me 18 months. In my defense it was a monster - something like 118 x 120.
So we moved house December 2023. When we decided to sell I packed up the house around June and started in the biggest area - my fabric and everything that goes with it. So no sewing in that time. After we .moved house and it took 6 months to get a sewing room and I'm still sorting. Downsizing is not recommended!
But in the sorting I'm starting to get motivated again. And so the Title - Voyage of Discovery. I found fabrics and projects I had forgotten about and some I don't even remember buying.
This one made about 15 years ago so might need to finish it. I think the fabric was by Kansas Troubles
Then found Sweet Escape by Thimble blossoms (I thought it was called Sweetwater) which I started in December 2019......not a hige amount of blocks made. The fabric from Carefully Crafted
I'm figurering I like foundation paper pieceing cos I found this kit. AND another one I've started
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